Sloat Stride
Sloat Stride is our annual walk/jog-a-thon fundraiser that helps support important school initiatives such as additional classroom and office staffing, extra PE, art, and dance. Please join us in supporting our school through this healthy and fun activity for your child!
On Friday, November 8, 2024, all students will be walking or jogging around the Lower Yard (1 lap = 1/9 mile) for 60 minutes(1 hour). Most students can complete 20-50 laps. Parent volunteers will be there to hand out water, mark laps, help with cool down activities and refreshments, and all parents are welcome to cheer on our students!
Donations can be made either via the pledge form or at http://www.sloatstride.com and can either be a flat or per lap amount. All donations are fully tax refundable and may be eligible for matching via your employer. To make a donation via credit card or let us know a check is on the way, just visit http://www.sloatstride.com and click the Donate button. Donations in cash or check are also accepted via the pledge form. The pledge form is distributed in your child’s Wednesday envelope but extra forms are also available at the school office. Please be sure to include your student’s name on the pledge form so they can receive credit for the funds raised. Please also include the donor’s email address on the form so we can send them a receipt. Please make checks out to: “Commodore Sloat School Fund”.
After the event, if your child received any per lap pledges, they will receive a statement in their Wednesday envelope and/or by email. Please return any outstanding pledges to the school office or your child’s teacher by Friday, November 17th.

Students that raise any amount will be included in our prize drawing which includes sporting goods and other fun prizes. Students who raise $100 or more will receive a Sloat Stride t-shirt.
The class that raises the most gets a pizza party!