Did you know? The catalog of our school library’s collection is online and can be accessed from anywhere. On the home page of the catalog, you will also find a number of useful links to resources for parents and their Commodore Sloat students, including links to a couple of great databases. CLICK HERE
About the Library
The Commodore Sloat Library is a central component of the school, both physically and academically. Situated in the middle of the school campus, the library is easily accessible from all classrooms and serves as a hub of activity throughout the school day as well as in the afternoon for enrichment classes.
During weekly visits to the library, classes participate in grade-appropriate library lessons with the librarian, followed by book check out. Younger grades enjoy weekly read alouds that foster the joy of reading and expose students to a variety of genres. As children get older, they become increasingly competent searchers of information in the library and beyond, using a variety of print and online resources. When a class is working on a special project or research, the librarians make available resources to support that project.
About Digital Citizenship
The Sloat Library has 35 Chromebook laptop computers and 8 desktop computers that are used frequently by students in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades for a variety of purposes:
- Developing search skills in authentic contexts
- Practicing keyboard skills
- Researching topics related to classroom curriculum
- Evaluating websites to determine if information is reliable
- Learning and practicing proper and safe online behavior
- Participating in Hour of Code and learning how to write basic code
Sloat participates in Common Sense Digital Citizenship. Our librarians facilitate lessons throughout the year with all grades that promote safe and appropriate use of online resources.
Online Library Catalog
The catalog of Sloat Library’s collection is online and can be accessed from anywhere. By performing a search on the “catalog” tab, you can find out what the Sloat Library has by title, author, or subject matter:
Databases and Subscription Websites
- Brain Pop
- Brain Pop, Jr.
- Teaching Books
- Tumble Book Cloud
- Tumble Book Library
- Britannica Encyclopedia
Reading Resources
- Books that Guys Read
- Books with Powerful Girl Characters
- Reading Rockets
- Spaghetti Book Club
- SF Public Library Book Lists
Library Volunteers Welcome!